Saturday, February 5, 2011

Project Update

For the most part, the groups worked pretty well together yesterday. I think several groups are making excellent progress. I have seen many of the PowerPoint presentations and they look awesome. Really proud of the way you guys are embracing this type of technology. Make sure that you are working on presentations. By that, I mean, how you are going to present to the class. Make sure you are not just reading the material from the PowerPoint or Poster Board. Also, please, don't leave your model 'til the last minute. Remember that sometimes what sounds good, doesn't always go together the way we think it will. Give yourself time for a practice run. We will be working on projects Monday and Tuesday. We will start presenting on Thursday. Here's the agenda for the week:

Monday 2/7: Group work on projects
Tuesday 2/8: Group work on projects
Wedesday 2/9: BrainPop and Review over layers of the Earth
Thursday 2/10: Group Presentations
Friday 2/11: Group Presentations


  1. since we are using honey, do u think it will b ok to let it sit on our model from tuesday to thursday?

  2. I think so Cody. I don't think it will harden before Thursday. I'm not sure on this though. It is possible that it could. I wouldn't take off points for that. You can explain during your presentation why you chose the honey and that would suffice.
