Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Weeks Agenda

I am glad that we are wrapping up our Journey to the Center of the Earth. I am extremely proud of the effort of most on this project. Keep up the good work. We will now dive into the exciting theme of Plate Tectonics. With this section of Earth Science we will be looking at how the movement of tectonic plates play a huge role in shaping the surface of our planet. For example, mountains and volcanoes are formed where plates collide together and the sea floor is actually spreading because of the plates moving away from each other. These are only a few of the many exciting things we will be studying about how our Earth's crust is ever changing due to forces from within the Earth.

This Weeks Agenda:
Monday 2/21: Wrapping Up Journey to the Center of the Earth
Tuesday 2/22: Pre-Assessment (Plate Tectonics, Constructive and Destructive Forces)
Wednesday 2/23: Plate Tectonics WebQuest
Thursday 2/24: Discuss WebQuest Research with Table members
Friday 2/25: In Class Activity- Snack Tectonics

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